AcclaimIP is part of Anaqua Inc., IP Management Solutions & Services.

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Explore our blog posts and other resources below to discover best practices, new features, tips and techniques for making the most of AcclaimIP, and more.  We welcome your feedback and questions.

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Patent Searching Basic Steps Using AcclaimIP
Patent Evaluation Patent Searching Patent Research 101

How to Conduct a Patent Search: The Basics

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Patent Evaluation Patent Insights

AcclaimIP Mini-Sessions & Open Office Hours

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Patent Evaluation Patent Landscaping New Capabilities

Surface Insights for Patents Quickly with Anaqua’s New Generative AI Tool

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Patent Evaluation Patent Insights

AcclaimIP’s Quantitative Patent Score: A Guidepost to Patent Quality

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Optimize a Freedom to Operate Search with AcclaimIP™

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Patent Data Tips & Tricks

Take Control of Your Patent Data with Custom Fields

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Business Development

Using Patent Analysis to Find Licensees and Patents to Purchase

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Patent Landscaping

Patent Landscape Analysis – Uncovering Strategic Insights Patent Practitioners and Companies Can Act On

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Patent Data

Patent Jurisdiction Coverage

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Patent Searching

AcclaimIP Quick Start Guide

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Business Development

Introduction to AcclaimIP Patent Search & Analytics Software

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Patent Evaluation New Capabilities

AcclaimIP™ Patent Citations Webinar Series

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